107 Precinct Community Council and
Community Board 8
107 Precinct Community Council Meeting
107 Precinct Community Council Meeting
The meetings typically take place the fourth Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. at the Precinct located at 71-01 Parsons Boulevard. Bring a friend and come mingle, enjoy light refreshments and listen to the upcoming events in our community.
Build the Block Meetings
Build the Block Meetings
Join the conversation about public safety and policing in your neighborhood go to www.buildtheblock.nyc and type your address.
More information is posted on the NYPD's 107th Precinct website including the latest weekly crime statistics.
Crime Alert: Don't Become a Victim!
Precinct - 718-969-5100
Community Affairs - 718-969-5973
Crime Prevention - 718-969-5998
Domestic Violence - 819-969-9097